MT. FUJI CLIMB (2-DAY HIKE) | 富士登山ツアー (1泊2日)

부터 JPY JP¥120,000
  • 기간: 2 일 (대략)
  • 위치: Shizuoka
  • 상품 코드: HIKEPEAK

Witness the spectacular sunrise at Japan's highest peak.

Embark on a private climbing tour to Mount Fuji's highest peak, Kengamine, guided by experts. Taking the shortest Fujinomiya route, you'll enjoy minimal distance and elevation change. Witness the sunrise from Japan's summit, a truly unforgettable moment. Descend via the scenic Gotemba Trail, featuring stunning views of the Hoei Crater.

  • Fitness level ★★★ (Advanced)

  • Minimum Age 7 years old

  • Distance 12km 
  • Payment: Please make a payment on the day of the event directly to the vendor.
  • Booking at least 3 months in advance is recommended, as the tour is highly popular, and mountain hut availability is very limited.

Example of Tour Itinerary


10:30 Meet at Fujinomiya trail 5th station (2,400m)
11:30 Climbing start
14:30 Original 7th station Yamaguchi Sanso (3010m)
17:00 Nineth station Mannenyuki Sanso stay overnight
17:30 Dinner
20:00 Curfew


1:30 Wake up

2:00 Breakfast
2:30 Climbing start
4:15 Fujinomiya trail peak area
5:15 Kengamine peak (3776m Japan’s highest point)
6:00 Start descending on Gotenba trail
7:30 8th station Akaiwakan (3,300m)
9:30 Peak of Mt. Hoei (2,693m)
11:30 Fujinomiya trail 5th station (2,400m)


  • Please note that your reservation is not yet confirmed at the time of booking. The guide will verify the feasibility and contact you separately. 
  • An additional participant's accommodation fee at the mountain hut (JPY 10,000–12,000), the guide's accommodation fee (JPY 5,000–12,000), and the Mount Fuji entrance fee will be charged separately from the tour fee.
  • The itinerary may change due to weather conditions and guest condition.





  • 体力レベル: ★★★ (上級)

  • 年齢制限: 7歳以上

  • 歩行距離: 12km

  • お支払い: お支払いは当日現場にて直接お支払いください。
  • 富士山登山は非常に人気が高く、山小屋の空き状況も限られているため、3ヶ月以上前のご予約がおすすめです。



10:30 富士宮口五合目 集合(標高2400m)
11:30 登山スタート
16:30 九合目万年雪山荘(標高3460m)
17:00 夕食
20:00 消灯


1:30 起床 
2:00 朝食
2:30 登山スタート
4:15 富士宮口山頂(標高3730m)
5:00 日本最高峰剣ヶ峰(標高3776m)
6:00 御殿場口より下山開始
9:30 宝永山山頂
11:00 富士宮口五合目(標高2400m) 解散


  • ご予約の時点ではまだ確定しておりません。遂行の可否を確認のうえ、ガイドより別途ご連絡申し上げます。
  • ツアー料金とは別に、山小屋の宿泊費(参加者分:10,000~12,000円、ガイド分:5,000~12,000円)および入山料が別途必要になります。
  • 行程は、天気、お客様の体調などにより変更する可能性があります。